Every customer can enjoy The One Business Center conference room. If you are our loyal customer, the conference room can be booked through online system. We have 6 conference rooms which are available for meetings of up to 20 persons.
? 少至5分鐘的可預訂時間
? 可按小時、半天或全天租賃
? 時尚的內部裝潢
? 互聯網接口
? 音頻/視頻演示設備
? 視頻會議系統
? 現場秘書服務
? 免費飲用咖啡和茶水
? 餐飲服務
? Down to 5 minutes’ available time
? Charge by hour, half day or full day
? Modern interior decoration
? Internet input
? Video/ audio equipment
? Video Conference system
? Onsite Secretary service
? Free coffee and tea
? Food and Beverage service
The Conference Room presented by The One Business Center can meet all your requirement for meetings.
? 小型會議室
? 董事局會議室
? 中型會議室
? 面試室
? 視頻會議
? Small meeting room
? Board meeting room
? Medium meeting room
? Interview room
? Video conference room
The video conference can realize the visible interaction from people from far away by computer network which can transit sound, video and data.
? 成本的降低 – 如果你仔細分析比較一下視頻會議與旅行參加會議的費用,你就會驚奇地發現視頻會議可以為你省下一大筆會議開支。
? Lower cost – You will surprisingly find that the video conference can save a big sum of money for meeting if you look into the cost for both video conference and face-to-face meeting after traveling.
? 時間的節省 – 通常視頻會議的參與者會更好的為他們的會議做準備。沒有長途旅行的疲勞,因此他們在與會時會更清醒、更專注、更有決斷力。
? Time saving – Normally the attenders of the video conference can be better prepared for the meeting. Attenders will be intended to show more consciousness, concentration and determination without bothered by the exertion of travelling.
? 如果能將分散于各地的人員高效的組織起來開會商議也有助于加強團隊建設,增進合作伙伴間的關系,以及實施更有效的營銷活動。
? Conferences efficiently attended by well-organized staff in other places is helpful to build the team, improve the relationship among partners and carry out the marketing events effectively.
Video Conference can be widely used for
? 遠程招聘面試
? 管理層會議
? 簡報與策劃會議
? 遠程學習及培訓
? 國際談判
? Remote recruitment and interview
? Board conference
? Newsletter and program meeting
? Distant learning and training
? International negotiation